26 March 2009

guest house

i've been feeling a little tired and melancholy. maybe a late afternoon nap or brisk walk down by the river or these yellow beauties will help brighten this snowy overcast day. as i sit and watch out my window, i'm admiring the sun for her persistence in trying to break thru this dark cloud that has been my companion as of late.

this being human is a guest house
every morning a new arrival.
a joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
welcome and entertain them all!

even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.
he may be clearing you out for some new delight.
the dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

~ rumi

10 March 2009

mister snowman

the snow is glistening. i'm loving this white day.

what are you loving today?

08 March 2009

this tornado loves you

march has definitely made its bold and furious entrance. there has been an abundance of blue sky and sunshine and many little teases of a warm, glorious spring coming. but the wind...the wind. cold, fierce gusts blowing the clouds in circles. a force of nature soon bringing...snow and more snow. as if winter does not want us to forget her. its time to snuggle back in knowing nothing lasts forever.

and while i wait...i'm listening to this amazing beautiful album.
over and over again.

04 March 2009

on my wall

yesterday, the wall above my computer became a whole lot brighter. i count myself extremely lucky to have collected these paintings from some of my favorite artists.

every year art access gallery hosts its 300 plates fundraiser and exhibition in may. last year, 82 established and emerging artists were invited to create a work of art on a 10" x 11" recycled metal printer's plate. the first painting hung is $65 and each painting thereafter increases sequentially in one dollar increments. its an incredible way to purchase an affordable and favorite piece of art. i'm eagerly anticipating the show and possibly adding a new piece to my art wall.

left to right:
{ lindsay frei - sitting duck
{ doug snow - earth and sky
{ steve larsen - out pour

03 March 2009

her show

a perfect night of celebration. congratulations chels!
the show will hang until the end of march. so, if you missed opening night be sure to stop by coda gallery soon.

+ more paintings and photos.